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What are Facebook Stories?

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Facebook Stories has been around since the beginning of 2018, but many marketers are still wondering how to best use this tool to grow their business on Facebook. This feature allows users to upload photos and videos that appear above their friends’ News Feeds and allows them to add text or doodles on top of the photos or videos. This format makes it very engaging and can make your content go viral!

How did Facebook Stories Come About?

Facebook has 2.74 billion monthly active users.Mark Zuckerberg recently stated that he wanted to shift his attention away from Messenger and onto Instagram. To do so, he needed a new way to keep people interested in their platforms. In April 2017, they introduced stories on Instagram. Shortly after, stories were added to WhatsApp (owned by Facebook) and Messenger itself. And as of June 2018, they rolled out stories on their flagship platform—Facebook!


How Can I Use Facebook Stories To Market My Business, Brand, Or Blog?

Using stories is a great way to share content you’ve already created, drive brand awareness and loyalty, and keep your audience engaged with your company. It’s also a smart way to post content that is valuable and related to your business, so users can easily find it at a later date. Once you learn how to use Facebook stories for marketing purposes, it will quickly become one of your favorite tools for increasing engagement and boosting sales. Read on for helpful tips on how to get started with Facebook marketing!

What Best Practices Should I Follow When Using Facebook Stories For Marketing?

First, a few definitions to start: Stories are native photos and videos (similar to Instagram’s format) that you can create and share directly in your Facebook profile. They disappear in 24 hours. They don’t show up on a person’s news feed; instead, they can be viewed by scrolling down on a person’s page until you see an icon that looks like three overlapping circles at the top right of their cover photo.

Final Words

If you can use stories to tell your brand’s story, you’ll never look back. They allow you to connect with your audience on a more human level and drive engagement like never before. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in—everyone has a story, and if you can tell it, it will make all of your efforts much easier. What did we miss? Tell us how important Facebook Stories is for your business in the comments below!

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