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The 10 Best TikTok Advertising Tools and Practices

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TikTok is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms, with more than 500 million users worldwide to date. It was founded in China and has since become popular worldwide, with the majority of its users originating from South East Asia, India, and the United States. If you are looking to advertise on TikTok, then you’ll want to take a look at these 10 top TikTok advertising tools and practices that can help make your campaign successful!

Learn About TikTok

If you’re new to TikTok, it’s important to get a handle on what it is, how you can advertise on it, and what that means. Here are a few resources:

Discover Resources

With such a huge number of channels and tools to choose from, how do you know which ones are right for your brand? It can be hard to know where to start. This page helps educate businesses on some of TikTok’s most popular ad-buying channels. But first, let’s learn a little more about them! What is TikTok advertising? Let’s break it down: • Display: Display ads allow brands to create images or videos that will show up on users’ feeds or in their stories. • Search: With search ads, brands can pay to have their content appear at the top of users’ search results.

Create An Account

This is really a requirement. You cannot run any type of ad without an account, so be sure to create one before getting started. The process is simple and only takes a few minutes to complete. After signing up, you’ll need to provide some basic information such as your name, email address, phone number, shipping address, payment method (if you plan on paying with anything other than cash), etc.

Set Up A Creator Account

There are a few ways to set up an account to run your own advertising campaigns on TikTok. The simplest way is through your personal or business Instagram profile, which works if you’re only looking to make short videos of a few seconds in length, but creators can also sign up with their company email address directly from TikTok.

Get Noticed On Social Media

Posting videos on social media is one of, if not THE most, effective way to get your audience’s attention. There are many ways you can use video to boost engagement; here are a few key tips:

Determine Goals

Before you begin, be sure to determine your goals for using advertising on TikTok. For example, are you looking to generate new followers? Drive traffic to a particular post or account? Generate high-quality leads for your business? Whatever your goal is, be sure to outline it in detail so that you can easily track how effective your ad campaign is.


Prepare Content

In a perfect world, your videos will get plenty of organic engagement. However, not every video is going to go viral overnight—even if it’s super awesome. If you want to scale up views for your own brand’s channel or simply run a paid campaign on TikTok, you’ll need to prepare some high-quality content first.

Launch an Ad Campaign

Before you can start spending money on ads, you need to create a campaign. These are a set of details including: name, budget, schedule, bidding type, location targeting, ad groups, and keywords. Get everything set up from A to Z before launching an ad campaign.

Analyze Success

Analyzing your campaign results is essential if you want to understand what’s working, what isn’t, and why. Being able to answer these questions will let you know whether your campaign was a success, why it worked (or didn’t), and what you should do next time. While analyzing data can be a bit challenging at first, it doesn’t have to be that way.


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