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How to Get a 1000 Youtube Subscribers With Google Ads

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Google Ads, offers free traffic to your YouTube channel if you know how to set up the campaigns correctly. However, you can’t just throw up a few keywords and expect your video to get hundreds of thousands of views overnight. Here are a few things you need to do in order to get Google Ads working for you so that you can start getting subscribers from day one, once your videos go live on YouTube.

Step 1 – Set up Conversion Tracking

Youtube has over 2 billion-plus human users.  Growth on Youtube follows, the first step is to set up conversion tracking for your Google Ads account. Conversion tracking is Google’s way of helping you see how people who see your ads end up in your funnel. You can set it up here. It’s free and takes less than five minutes!

Step 2 – Find Your Target Audience

The most important step in launching an ad campaign is finding your target audience. Make sure you’re picking keywords that describe people who are interested in what you have to offer, or you might find yourself wasting money on people who will never be your customers. These are known as long-tail keywords, and they’re a very good starting point for Google Ads.

Step 3 – Create Video Advertisements

Before creating your Google Ads campaign, you’ll want to create a short video advertisement you can use in your ad groups. Just like with any video, keep it short and sweet—Google recommends 30-second ads—and try to make it unique. Your goal is not only to get clicks on your ad; it’s also to entice people who click on your ad (your audience) into subscribing.

Step 4 – A/B Testing

Find out which of your ads or keywords is doing best by splitting, and testing it against another ad or keyword. You should split test any new ad (or variation) you create. Split testing will help you see what performs better, which also helps with your long-term goals of making more money and staying in business longer.

Step 5 – Split Test Landing Pages

Split testing allows you to test out different headlines and images on your landing page and see which performs best. Once you’ve determined what performs best, use it as your go-to headline in future ad campaigns. It can also be used to find out what types of videos perform best with a given ad campaign. In short, split testing is one of the most beneficial ways to spend your time. Here are some different tools that allow you to conduct split tests.

Step 6 – Optimize Budget Spend

Make sure you are getting your best bang for your buck when you are starting out with your paid advertising. Take advantage of being on a new account by setting up remarketing audiences and making sure your targeting is good. If you need more help, read our guide on Getting 1000 Subscribers with Google Ads. It was written for YouTube, but it can be applied to any ad network that works on similar principles.


Youtubing is fun and has created a whole community of bloggers. However, getting your first thousand, subscribers can be daunting. I hope that these tips will help you get more views and make more money from your videos. I have tried all of these myself and seen them work for me and others on YouTube. Best of luck!

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